Meet the artists: actors, directors after MITEM performances... These meetings are an opportunity for the audience to get a better insight into the making of a production and to share thoughts and experiences with each other and the artists.

Rest in Peace, Mari Törőcsik!

Dear colleagues,
The National Theatre informs you, with profound sadness, that early last morning (16 April 2021) after a prolonged illness, Mari Törőcsik -- Outstanding Artist and Artist of Merit, celebrated as both the Nation's Actress and the Nation's Artist, two-time winner of the Mari Jászai Prize, in addition to the Béla Balázs Prize and the Kossuth Grand Prize -- passed away at 86 years of age. She is a permanent member of the Company of Immortals. The  National Theatre regards Mari Törőcsik as our dearly departed.


Press release

Information on the situation caused by coronavirus epidemic

The National Theater informs its audience that, due to the coronavirus epidemic affecting our country, the Operative administration body and the Government of Hungary, according to the decree effective as of today, will not hold its plays and performances from today onwards until this decision is revoked.  The Madách International Theater Festival is postponed by the National Theater on the recommendation of the Ministry of Human Resources.

MITEM 2019


The English language April issue of the professional journal of the National Theatre in Budapest

The English language April issue of the professional journal of the National Theatre in Budapest, Szcenárium, has again been composed for the guests of MITEM (Madách International Theatre Meeting) this year. We think it is timely on this, the sixth occasion of the meeting that more space be devoted to the hosts, to ourselves. So we present you the masterpiece of Hungarian dramatic literature, translated into 33 languages, the author of which, Imre Madách, is the eponym of the event and a new production of which by director Attila Vidnyánszky is to be featured in the festival as well.

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