6 April 2024, 5.30 p.m.

11th MITEM, Opening Ceremony

National Theatre, 1st floor, Lounge

MITEM is 10 years old. The history of the Madách International Theatre Meeting began in the National Theatre in the spring of 2014, and now, in spring 2024, we will open our 11th festival. In 2023, Hungary hosted one of Europe's greatest cultural / theatrical events, the 10th Theatre Olympics, with MITEM as the backbone of the programme.

8 April 2024, 5 p.m., Attila Kaszás Hall

Contemporary Adaptations of Ancient Greek Myths and Tragedies
 - Round table discussion

“Has the ancient god of theatre finally returned to his ancestral sphere, the theatre, and at the same time entered our hyper-modern, super-digitalised world? Does this return aim for the restoration of an earlier state or a radical renewal?” asks Erika Fischer-Lichte, a renowned scholar researching contemporary theatre.

26 April, 5 p.m., Attila Kaszás Hall

“Theatre - the Art Where Everything is Possible”

In memoriam Vsevolod Meyerhold, born 150 years ago

Presentation by theatre historian Béatrice Picon-Vallin, Meyerhold - documentary, Director Valery Fokin, Manager of the Alexandrinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, talks about the world of Meyerhold’s directing and his methods



The National Theatre of Budapest cordially invites international professionals to participate the MITEM International Theatre Festival in Budapest, Hungary, which takes place in every spring, and hosts the latest outstanding theatre productions from around the world for three weeks.


Tickets are on sale for the 11th MITEM at the National Theatre

An Italian world premiere, a contemporary Spanish playwright, Turkish performances in connection with the Turkish-Hungarian Cultural Year, Belgian, Bulgarian, Bashkir, Georgian, Greek, Israeli companies – international theatre encounters will take place again this year at the National Theatre.

MITEM - 5 October, 5 p.m., First Floor Lobby

NEXT DOOR TO HOME - SYNERGY World Theatre Festival - Roundtable Discussion

Synergy World Theatre Festival was founded in Novi Sad, Serbia in 2017, to serve as a platform for theatres and companies that operate along the borders of various language communities and cultures. The festival has taken place in Novi Sad since its inception, with the city’s support, organised by Novi Sad Theatre/Novosadsko Pozorište.

MITEM - 22 October – 6 p.m.

Film: The Boy Who Turned into a Deer...

Attila Vidnyánszky staged Ferenc Juhász's huge poem in 2003 and in 2013, a feature film was released based on the performance, starring Mari Törőcsik and Zsolt Trill. Poetry, theatre, film and the story of a company – these are some of topics to be discussed by the cast and the director.

MITEM - 21 October – 9 p.m.

Sári Fedák Prize

The Sári Fedák Prize is presented after the performance The Totes. The Prize was established in 2022 by Nelli Szűcs, founder and still active member of the Berehove company.

MITEM - 21 October - 5 p.m.

30 Years of Theatre

Round table discussion on Berehove Theatre. Participants: Árpád Árkosi, László Brenzovics, László Bérczes, Ernő Verebes, Lajos Pál, Attila Vidnyánszky. / Moderated by András Kozma

21 October - 4 p.m.

Film: Roadside Picnic...

In 2005, Berehove Theatre organised the International Stalker Festival. Invited companies included Bárka and Új Színház from Budapest, János Pályi, the New York-based company In Parenthesis, DAH Theatre from Kyiv, and Hattyúdal Színház. Encounters, shared experiences – a film by László Olivér Oláh.

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