Meet the artists: actors, directors after MITEM performances... These meetings are an opportunity for the audience to get a better insight into the making of a production and to share thoughts and experiences with each other and the artists.
MITEM professional programmes

As mirrored in a clown - Meeting Slava Polunin

12 April, Friday,16:00-18:00, Kaszás Attila Stage

His Snowshow is rated as a classic of the 20th century. When asked how difficult it is to carry on one's shoulders the burden of world-wide fame, Slava usually answers that the difficult part is not so much to carry it, as to keep it there.

Exhibitions during MITEM

The World of Purcărete - An Exhibition of Photographs by Silviu Purcărete

The exhibition of photographs by Silviu Purcărete was organized for the first time in 2015 in the entrance hall to the Bucharest National Theatre on the occasion of the opening of the Romanian National Theatre Festival (RNTF). In the photographs, Purcărete, who as a theatre director has traveled the world, invites us to join him for a journey. He shares moments he has captured, stories caught in a single gesture, explosive energies, and the tense energy of past and present side by side.


Nina Kiraly passed away

It is with a very, very sad heart that I let you know that Nina Kiraly (Dubrovskaya) passed away. We still can't process she is no longer with us. She was 77, way too young for us to let her go so soon. We are heartbroken but will keep her spirit alive and let it shine through. We will hold a memorial for her at the Hungarian National Theater in Budapest on August 24th, 2018.


MITEM 2018 - Documentary

A documentary was made of this year's MITEM festival. Editor-director: Laura Bánfalvi, reporter-narrator: Dénes Farkas, editor-in-chief: Gábor Szabó.



This year, the April English language issue of the professional journal of the National Theatre, Szcenárium will yet again be dedicated to the guests of MITEM (Madách International Theatre Meeting). In this issue we will continue to show the hallmarks, openness and intellectual commitment, which have characterized our theatre meeting since the beginning.

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