Antal Nemeth book presentation

A filmvetítéssel egybekötött kerekasztal-beszélgetésen a könyv szerzője mellett megszólalnak neves tanítványok, pályatársak, kutatók, valamint Németh Antal szűkebb és tágabb családjának azok a tagjai, akik a szívükön viselik e kivételes szellemi hagyaték sorsát.



The Third Madách International Theatre Meeting (MITEM), April 11–24, 2016

International and meeting. These two words are like bearers of two good tidings. First, that there are still nations (cultures), and second, that these cultures are going to mix and mingle with one another here and now in the theatre.


“Each Generation Must Re-Invent Theatre”

A Roundtable Discussion with Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley

In the book you write that by the very beginning you and Grotowski were like two moles under the ground, no one knew anything about you, you didn’t know anything about theatre but something was born between you there in the railway station restaurant. You talked about everything, about profession, parents, countries where you lived.

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