Archives 2019
MITEM professional programmes
Odin Teatret is 55 years old - A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology: The Secret Art of the Performer
27 April, Saturday, 16:00, Kaszás Attila Stage
The legendary volume on which generations of theater-makers were raised in an array of geographical locations and professional fields has finally been published in Hungarian by Károli Könyvek and L’Harmattan Publishing.
„Western performance study has for the most part concantreted on theories and utopias, neglecting an empirical approach to the performer’s problems. The ISTA (International School of Theatre Anthropology) directs its attention to this „empirical territory” with the objective of going beyond the specialisations of particular disciplines, techniques and aesthetics. This is a question of understanding not technique, but the secrets of technique wich one must posses before one can go beyond technique.” Eugenio Barba
Literary and theater historian Dr. Enikő Sepsi and actress Ágnes Barta from the National Theatre of Hungary in conversation with the author and Zsófia Rideg and János Regős the translators of the Hungarian edition.
(04 March 2019)