Archives 2024



This spring, the 11th MITEM (Madách International Theatre Meeting) festival will be back from 6 to 28 April, 2024 in Budapest, Hungary. World premieres from Italy, contemporary Spanish playwrights, Turkish performances in connection with the Turkish-Hungarian Cultural Year, Belgian, Bulgarian, Basque, Georgian, Greek, Israeli companies - world theatre reunions will take place at the National Theatre again.


The National Theatre of Budapest cordially invites international professionals to participate the MITEM International Theatre Festival in Budapest, Hungary, which takes place in every spring, and hosts the latest outstanding theatre productions from around the world for three weeks.

In addition to the productions, the festival offers a wide range of professional programmes, audience meetings, exhibitions, book launches and round table discussions related to the main topic of the actual edition.


The programme of the MITEM 2024 you can read here.

If you are willing to register, please fill out the registration form.


The number of invitations is limited, hence it is highly recommended to register as soon as possible. Deadline for registration is 22 March, 2024. After your participation is confirmed, you will be informed personally. 

In case of any questions concerning your visit, please contact us by e-mail at the following address:

(08 March 2024)

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