Heiner Goebbels holds workshop in Budapest

European Theatre Prize and International Ibsen Prize-winning German composer and director, Heiner Goebbels will hold a workshop entitled The Aesthetics of Absence at the Uránia National Film Theatre on 26 May as part of the 10th Theatre Olympics.



The English language issue of the professional journal of the National Theatre in Budapest has been composed for the guests of the Theatre Olympics and MITEM 2023. The World Theatre and Theory block draws attention to Hungarian-language theatrical publications released for the event, the authors of which will also be present as creators in the programme. In the Madách 200 block, the writings are intended for the participants of the international Az ember tragédiájaThe Tragedy of Man project. Our other compilation offers an insight into the directorial work of Attila Vidnyánszky.


Ágnes Pálfi: The Pregnancy of Feminine Vigilance in The Tragedy of Man

A Reading of the Eskimo Scene

According to the “astro-mythological” interpretation by Gábor Pap, Az ember tragédiája (The Tragedy of Man) by Madách reaches its nadir in the axial Paris scene (Scene 9), the apocalyptic judgement situation of the Libra decan of Aquarius, which, however, does not appear on the everyday level but as a vision, as a dream within a dream.


Miklós Hubay: The Crystal System of the Drama

If I manage to stay on my own in the “lion’s cave” of the castle in Sztregova, I always attempt the impossible: I am trying to imagine, to fathom, to experience how, for thirteen months, Imre Madách was receiving the impulses to write his work.


Nina Király: The Tragedy of Man or Mankind?

As can be seen from the bibliography of translations compiled by Mihály Praznovszky and published in the volume titled Madách Színről színre (Madách Scene by Scene), there are basically three variations to encounter on the title of Madách’s The Tragedy of Man: one is “the tragedy of mankind” (in English, Polish, Russian, Romanian and Danish) or “the tragedy of the human” (in Norwegian, Italia and Russian) or the “human tragedy” (in Finnish); then the “sad human song” (in Armenian), “the destiny of man” (in Japanese); and the “vision of Adam” (in Hebrew)


“We Are on Our Way to Salvation”

Roundtable Discussion on the Csíksomlyói passió (Passion Play of Csíksomlyó)

Csíksomlyói passió by the National Theatre in Budapest premiered in the Csíksomlyó mountain saddle on August 18, 2018.


The Tragedy of Man on Hungarian stages for 140 years

Selection from the photo archive of the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute (OSZMI)

The Tragedy of Man on Hungarian stages for 140 years. Selection from the photo archive of the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute (OSZMI)


Miklós Hubay: After the Ball

One-Act Variation on the Theme of the Eskimo Scene

Towards the end of The Tragedy of Man, Adam, the first man, encounters the survivors of humanity – beyond the concluding catastrophe of world history, beyond the destruction of the natural environment, and also beyond a wave of population explosion that already equals extinction.

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