Archives 2024

26 April, 5 p.m., Attila Kaszás Hall

“Theatre - the Art Where Everything is Possible”

In memoriam Vsevolod Meyerhold, born 150 years ago

Vsevolod Meyerhold was an outstanding theatre-maker of the early 20th century; Stanislavsky’s student and subsequently his opponent, he radically renewed theatre directing and the pedagogy of acting, and thus became one of the most influential directors and theorists in the history of theatre. In addition to his many productions, he developed a training method called “biomechanics”, which has inspired many major theatre-makers. Our professional compilation commemorates Meyerhold’s oeuvre and tragic fate.   


Vszevolod Mejerhold (1874–1940)


5 p.m. – Presentation by theatre historian Béatrice Picon-Vallin on Meyerhold’s significance in the history of theatre (40’, with simultaneous interpretation)

5.50 p.m. – Meyerhold - documentary (59’) (1990, directed by N. Chiruk)

7 p.m. – Director Valery Fokin, Manager of the Alexandrinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, talks about the world of Meyerhold’s directing and his methods (40’, with simultaneous interpretation)


Scene from Meyerhold's famous production The Government Inspector (1926, Moscow)


Scene from Valery Fokin's production Masquerade, Memories of the Future (2014, St. Petersburg) – hommage à Meyerhold


(31 March 2024)

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