Teatro de La Abadía, Spain
Director: Luis Gómez José
1 hours 50 minutes, without breaks.
Cinéma Apollo
Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Switzerland
Director: Langhoff Matthias, Langhoff Caspar
3 hours with 1 breaks.
The Scourge of God
Based on Miklós Bánffy's play, The Great Lord
National Theatre, Budapest, Hungary
Director: Attila Vidnyánszky
Due to the show’s special start and the custom-built auditorium, the doors will only be opened 5 minutes before the start.
2 hours 50 minutes with 1 breaks.
Harlequin, Refined by Love (Arlequin poli par l’amour)
Compagnie La Piccola Familia, France
Director: Jolly Thomas
1 hours 30 minutes, without breaks.
The Brothers Karamazov (Die Brüder Karamasow)
National Theatre, Budapest, Hungary
Director: Perceval Luk
3 hours 30 minutes with 1 breaks.
White Marriage (Białe małżeństwo)
Maska Teatr, Rzeszów, Poland
Director: Zhiugzhda Oleg
2 hours, without breaks.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream 16
Performed in Hungarian with English subtitles
National Theatre, Budapest, Hungary
Director: David Doiashvili
Performed in Hungarian with English subtitles.
3 hours 15 minutes with 1 breaks.
The Seagull (Die Möwe)
Burgtheater, Vienna, Austria
Director: Bosse Jan
2 hours 45 minutes with 1 breaks.
Eternal House (Vecnata kuka)
National Theatre, Skopje, Macedonia
Director: Projkovski Dejan
3 hours with 1 breaks.
DOG’S CAGE. View from the top. Bottom view.
DAKH Centre of Contemporary Art, Ukraine
Director: Vlad Troitskyi
2 hours, without breaks.
Inner Voices (Le Voci di Dentro)
Piccolo Teatro di Milano Teatro d’Europa / Teatro di Roma / Teatri Uniti di Napoli, Italy
Director: Servillo Toni
1 hours 50 minutes, without breaks.
DAKH Centre of Contemporary Art, Kyiv, Ukraine
Director: Vlad Troitskyi
THE CHRONIC LIFE (Det kroniske liv) 12
Odin Teatret, Holstebro, Danmark
Director: Eugenio Barba
1 hours 10 minutes, without breaks.
The Tempest (Furtuna)
“I.L. Caragiale” National Theatre, Bucharest, Romania
Director: Alexander Morfov
3 hours with 1 breaks.
The Miser
National Theatre, Budapest, Hungary
Director: László Bocsárdi
3 hours with 2 breaks.
Christian Paccoud: The Moon in Calling (Cancelled)
National Theatre, Budapest, Hungary
Voices in the Dark (Voix Dans le Noir)
Collectif Kahraba, France
Director: Déniaud Éric
55 minutes, without breaks.
Verso Médea (Towards Medea) After Euripides
Sud Costa Occidentale, Palermo, Italy
Director: Dante Emma
1 hours 15 minutes, without breaks.
Merry-Go-Round (Körhinta)
National Theatre, Budapest, Hungary
Director: Attila Vidnyánszky, Zoltán Zsuráfszky
2 hours, without breaks.
National Theatre, Budapest, Hungary
Director: Sándor Zsótér
2 hours 20 minutes, without breaks.