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Eternal House (Vecnata kuka)

Eternal House (Vecnata kuka)

National Theatre, Skopje, Macedonia

Director: Projkovski Dejan

3 hours with 1 breaks.

The Eternal House, premiered at the Macedonian National Theatre opening ceremony, worships life and art, reminding us that history is only one fragment.
Nothing is the same in a house that has witnessed events throughout centuries, a house of interwoven destinies, different worlds and events, a house with rooms full of stories. Whose house is this? The one that stands as a mute witness and through which grumbled many nations and historical upheavals, happy and sad moments, happy and sad events; the one that is full of spirits, and in which individual memory collides with the collective one. Can anyone say with certainty that this is his piece of land, a piece that carries so many memories?

Színészek / Actors:
Stella Benveniste, nyolcvanas éveiben, a Judea Balcanica jótékonysági alapítvány elnöke / Stella Benveniste, in her eighties, President of Judea Balcanica charitable foundation: Sonja Mihajlova
Estrea Benveniste, negyvenes éveiben, Stella lánya, antiterrorista-szakertő / Estrea Benveniste, in her forties, Stella’s daughter, an antiterrorism expert: Dragana Kostadinovska
Estelle Benveniste, Estrea húszéves lánya, a Zenetudományi Intézet tanulója / Estelle Benveniste Estrea’s twenty-year-old daughter, a student at the Department of Musicology: Darja Rizova
Mentesh Benveniste, repülőgéptervező, Stella testvére / Mentesh Benveniste an aricraft designer, Stella’s brother: Oliver Mitkovski
Itzhak Koine, rabbi: Petre Temelkovski
Ephraim Poplavsky, nemzetközi ingatlanügyvéd / Ephraim Poplavsky, an International Real Estate lawyer: Toni Mihajlovski
Despina Poplavska, a felesége / Despina Poplavska, his wife: Vesna Petrusevska
Solomon Brandt, szerkesztő / Solomon Brandt, an editor: Jordan Simonov
Abdurrahman Gul Baba, dervis / Abdurrahman Gul Baba, a dervish: Gjorgji Jolevski
Jeanne Balavoine, francia forradalmár / Jeanne Balavoine, French revolutionary: Tina Trpkovska
Hing Giu Miu, földi Japán és kínai nimfa / Hing Giu Miu, a terrestrial Japanese and Chinese nymph: Arna Shijak
Aleksey Angel, bizánci herceg / Aleksey Angel, Byzantine prince: Gorast Cvetkovski
Varda Sklir, bizánci kormányzó / Varda Sklir, Byzantine governor: Vladimir Jachev
Theodosius III, Roman Emperor / III Theodosius, római császár: Aleksandar Gjorgjievski
Ahmad Al-Masri, palesztin idealista / Ahmad Al-Masri, Palestinian idealist: Nikola Aceski
Gotse Delchev, a macedón Giuseppe Garibaldi / Gotse Delchev, the Macedonian Giuseppe Garibaldi: Ivica Dimitrijevic
Krste Misirkov, a balkán nyelvek Mozartja / Balkan linguistic Mozart: Vlado Jovanovski
John Baltimore, amerikai irodavezető / American consular agent: Visar Vishka
William Garland, a Buckingham palota képviseletében / William Garland, representative of the Buckingham Palace: Nino Levi
Dimitrie Cupovski, a macedón földalatti kormány elnöke / Dimitrie Cupovski, president of the Macedonia underground government: Aleksandar Mikic
Malina Pop-Ivanova, a nemzetközi kommunizmus és fasizmus Szibériába telepített macedón áldozata / Siberian victim of international communism and fascism from Macedonia: Zvezda Angelovska
Koco Racin, likvidált költői mítosz / Koco Racin, liquidated poetic myth: Sashko Kocev
Kate, a macedón anarchisták ágyasa / Kate, a concubine of the Macedonian anarchists: Sofia Nasevska
Orce Pop-Jordanov Dejan Lilic
Gottfried Nytsczeker, Otto von Bismarck képviselője / Otto von Bismarck’s representative: Slavisha Kajevski
Bohumil Zelinski, lengyel emigráns / Bohumil Zelinski, Polish emigrant: Borche Nachev
Urania, Ephraim édesanyja / Urania, Ephraim’s mother: Katina Ivanova
Krste Poplavsky, Ephraim édesapja / Krste Poplavsky, Ephraim’s father: Emil Ruben

Kórus / Chorus:
Magdalena Rizova, Jelena Galevski, Marija Novak, Snezana Konevska – Rusi Aleksandar Dzurovski, Jasmina Popovska, Danche Georgievska, Aleksandar Shehtanski, Stojna Kostovska, Tome Vitanov, Trajche Georgiev, Teoman Maksut, Dragana Levenska, Ankica Beninova, Aleksandra Stojkova, Aleksandra Mihajlovska, Aleksandar Mihajlovski, Stefan Vujisic, Toni Denkovski, Nenad Angelkovic, Vladimir Petrovic, Vladanka Dimkovska, Angela Dimitrova, Marija Dimitrova, Nadica Petrova, Marija Petreska, Anica Bebic, Anastazia Hristovska, Nikola Stefanov, Filip Trajanoski, Milosh Stojkovic, Antonio Kitanovski, Marko Ilic, Aleksandar Ivanovski, Denis Davidkovski

Rendező / Director: Dejan Projkovski
Díszlet / Set Design: Valentin Svetozarev
Jelmez / Costume Design: Blagoj Micevski
Zene / Music: Goran Trajkovski
Színpadi mozgás, koreográfia: Stage Movements and Choreography: Stasha Zurovac
Rituálék / Rituals: Aleksandar Iliev
Látvány / Light Design: Deni Sheshnjic
Videó / Video Design: Sergej Svetozarev
Rendezőasszisztens / Assistant Director: Andrej Cvetanovski
Produckiós munkatársak / Executive Producers: Viktor Ruben, Simona Ugrinovska
Ügyelő / Stage Manager: Nikola Kimovski
Asszisztensek / Assistants: Damjan Chitkushev, Dragana Tanevska, Gjorgji Rizeski
Menedzser / General Manager: Dejan Lilic
Művészeti menedzser / Artistic Manager: Dejan Projkovski

Projkovski Dejan

Main Stage
Projkovski Dejan

Projkovski Dejan

Dejan Projkovski (born 1979 in Bitola) was educated and acquired his University and Master of Arts degree at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts “Krastyo Sarafov”, Sofia (NATFIZ, 2002) and made his professional stage debut in the same year.

He is a leading Macedonian theatre director. He has directed for most of Macedonia’s major theatre companies, as well as internationally. He is currently the Artistic Manager of Macedonian National Theatre and an Associate Professor of Theatre Directing & Drama Acting at the University of Audio-Visual Arts ESRA Paris- Skopje- New York Skopje. He is also President of the World Theatre Network InterACT whose members are theatres and festivals from more than 20 countries.

His career in the theatre has been constantly developing over the past thirteen years. He proves himself indefatigably energetic, effective, inquisitive and exceptionally busy director because of the fact that he annually directs three or four theatrical productions. He’s been working as a director not only in Macedonia, but also in Bulgaria, the Russian Federation and Croatia. For his outstanding artistic achievements, he has received many expert acknowledgements and awards. In recognition of his work and his productions, the biggest national theatre festival “Vojdan Chernodrinski” has awarded him Grand Prix four times so far. Among his significant theatre directing projects are: “Dangerous Liaisons”, “The Karamazov Brothers”, “Hamlet”, “Danton’s Death”, “Darkness”, “Runaway”, The King Dies”, “Seagull”, “Tartuffe”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Jonadab”, “The Fall of Innocence”…  His theatrical productions participated in numerous festivals in Italy, Germany, Turkey, France, England, Serbia, Croatia, Poland, Slovenia, and Russia.

Apart from theatrical productions, he has also directed extensive multimedia projects and events, such as great historical anniversaries in our country, public holidays and celebrations, festival opening ceremonies (Ohrid Summer Festival, Struga Poetry Evenings).

Last year he received the “13th November” Award – the City of Skopje Award for outstanding artistic achievement.

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Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraina