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The Seagull (Die Möwe)

The Seagull (Die Möwe)

Burgtheater, Vienna, Austria

Director: Bosse Jan

2 hours 45 minutes with 1 breaks.

Who is the director of our own lives? What do we share from this in the theatre and how? Chekhov introduces three generations on a lakeside estate where the summer seems to pass uneventfully. The production of Burgtheater, Vienna talks about life and the roles we take while living it.
Kostja is in love with Nina who lives on the neighbouring estate. They are preparing to present a new play. Kostja’s mother, the famous actress Arkagyina arrives with her lover, Trigorin, the writer. Because of Arkagyina’s patronizing remark, the boy is deeply offended; he breaks off the performance and shoots a seagull. For the author, this is a mere plot of a brief story: A girl living by the lake, happily and freely like a seagull, only to be destroyed later by a man simply out of boredom. Like the seagull. While the aged converse about life and art, the lives of the disillusioned youth are drifting towards devastation…

Német fordítás: / German translation by Andrea Clemen
Az adaptált szöveget a Burgtheater részére Jan Bosse és Gabriella Bußacker készítette. / Text adaption for the Burgtheater by Jan Bosse and Gabriella Bußacker


Irina Nikolayevna Arkadina, színésznő - Christiane von Poelnitz
Konstantin Gavrilovich Treplyov, a fia - Daniel Sträßer
Pjotr Nikolayevich Sorin, a testvére - Ignaz Kirchner
Nina Mikhailovna Zarechnaya, fiatal lány - Aenne Schwarz
Ilya Afanasyevich Shamrayev, nyugdíjazott hadnagy, Sorin birtokának menedzsere - Johann Adam Oest
Polina Andryevna, a felesége - Barbara Petritsch
Masha, a lánya - Mavie Hörbiger
Boris Alexeyevich Trigorin, író - Michael Maertens
Yevgeny Sergeyevich Dorn, orvos - Martin Reinke
Semyon Semyonovich Medvedenko, tanár - Peter Knaack

Rendező - Jan Bosse
Díszlet - Stéphane Laimé
Jelmez - Kathrin Plath
Zene - Arno P. Kraehahn
Videó - Sophie Lux, Anna Bertsch
Fény - Felix Dreyer
Fotó - Reinhard Werner
Dramaturg - Gabriella Bußacker


Bosse Jan

Main Stage
Bosse Jan

Bosse Jan

Jan Bosse studied Theatre and German Studies, Art History and Directing. He has worked in the most important theatres in Germany (Kammerspiele München, Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg, Schauspielhaus Zürich, Schauspielhaus Bochum, Kölner Schauspiel, Thalia Theater Hamburg, Staatstheater Stuttgart). He was the main director of Schauspiel Frankfurt between 2000 and 2005 and of Maxim Gorky Theater, Berlin between 2007 and 2013. Beside Ruhrtiennale, several of his performances have been invited to Theatertreffen, Berlin, which is the most acknowledged German speaking theatre festival of our times. He has also worked in Theater Basel, and in Deutsche Oper Berlin. He is an honorary guest director in Burgtheater, Vienna.

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