ELSŐ SZERELEM (First love)

Csokonai Nemzeti Színház, Magyarország, Debrecen
Rendező: Gemza Péter
1 óra 30 perc.
Az Első szerelem egyike Beckett első, franciául írt novelláinak. A novellákból született előadás egyszerre cinikus és humoros darab, egy félénk, egoista ember belső világába vezet el bennünket. Egy napon - egy szinte észrevehetetlenül szövődő viszonyon keresztül - a főhős életében először ismeri meg a „szerelem” szó jelentését. A padon egyedül üldögélő „én” mellett megjelenik egy másik, egy nő. Akarata ellenére kötődni kezd hozzá, gondolatai szabadságát nyeri vissza a nő közelségében.
First love, one of Beckett’s first short stories written in French, had its Hungarian premiere this year in the Csokonai Theatre. The play, which is cynical and humorous at the same time, shows us the inner world of a person who is disturbed by everything. Since the death of his father, he lives as a timid, egoistic vagabond. One day, through an almost imperceptibly developing relationship, he experiences the meaning of the word “love” in reality. While his “me” is sitting alone on a park bench, one day another “me” appears, a female. He starts to become attached to her against his will, and he regains the freedom of his thoughts when she is near. Becket’s work was brought to the stage by Péter Gemza, who became known as a dancer of Josef Nadj and who has been the artistic director of the theatre in Debrecen since 2013.
First love, one of Beckett’s first short stories written in French, had its Hungarian premiere this year in the Csokonai Theatre. The play, which is cynical and humorous at the same time, shows us the inner world of a person who is disturbed by everything. Since the death of his father, he lives as a timid, egoistic vagabond. One day, through an almost imperceptibly developing relationship, he experiences the meaning of the word “love” in reality. While his “me” is sitting alone on a park bench, one day another “me” appears, a female. He starts to become attached to her against his will, and he regains the freedom of his thoughts when she is near. Becket’s work was brought to the stage by Péter Gemza, who became known as a dancer of Josef Nadj and who has been the artistic director of the theatre in Debrecen since 2013.
Mészáros Tibor
Samuel Beckett: Első szerelem
Debreceni Csokonai Színház, Magyarország
Actor/Színész: Mészáros Tibor
Set and costumes design/Díszlet és jelmez: Gemza Péter;
Dramaturg: Márton Imola;
Assistant/Asszisztens: Sóvágó Csaba
Gemza Péter