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after the books of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll


Tamási Áron Theatre and  sZempöl Offchestra’ cooperation, Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania

Director: László Bocsárdi

Performed in Hungarian with English subtitles.

1 hours 45 minutes, without breaks.

Alice is the iconic story of milestones. It can be either the story of the teenager’s new and traumatic body experience, or the description of the first psychedelic adventure, but either way, it is a tale in which someone meets an unknown world…

Bocsárdi László is a significant director, manager, one of the most important and active figure of Hungarian theatrical life in Romania. The performances on the Tamási Áron Theatre are based on the clashes between the powerful reality of the Romanian theatre and the more rational, realistic Hungarian theatre, resulting in a synthesis for which this theatre is renowned for.

Concert Theatre


Beczásy Áron, Benedek Ágnes, D. Albu Annamária, Derzsi Dezső, Erdei Gábor, Gajzágó Zsuzsa, Kolcsár József, Korodi Janka, Kovács Kati, Mátray László, Nagy Alfréd, Pál Ferenczi Gyöngyi, Pálffy Tibor, P. Magyarosi Imola, Rácz Endre, Szakács László, Szalma Hajnalka, Vass Zsuzsanna

sZempöl Offchestra: Albert-Nagy Örs, Bocsárdi Magor, Ferencz Áron, Gáspár Álmos, Kónya-Ütő Bence, Vitályos Lehel


Stage manager: V. Bartha Edit
Prompter: Gazda Szende
Costume designer's assistant: Czirják Beatrix
Light designer: Horváth Csaba
Audio engineer: Józsi Szabolcs
Powered by: Sound Studio
Visual effects: Rancz András
Coreography: Bezsán Noémi
Dramaturge: Benedek Zsolt
Costume designer: Kiss Zsuzsanna
Set designer: Bartha József


László Bocsárdi

Main Stage
László Bocsárdi

László Bocsárdi

László Bocsárdi studied at the Traian Vuia Institute of Technology in Temesvár (Timișoara). After graduation he moved to Gyergyószentmiklós (Gheorgheni). He was the founder and director of The Figura Laboratory Theatre in Gyergyószentmiklós, “the seventh theatre of Transylvania”, between 1984 and 1989. He was the artistic director of the Theatre between 1990 and 1994. He has received his diploma in directing in 1995 at the University of Arts, Marosvásárhely (Târgu-Mureș) as a student of Gábor Tompa. He has been the artistic director of Tamási Áron Theatre, Sepsiszentgyörgy (Sfântu Gheorghe) since 1995, and general director since 2005.

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