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After the novel The wonderful visit from H. G. Wells

The visit

The visit

Coproduction between Teatro di Sardegna, Cagliari, Italy and Teatro Migjeni Shkoder, Albania  (through the Italian Cultural Institute in Migjeni)

Director: Davide Iodice

Albanian with Hungarian and English subtitles

1 hours 20 minutes, without breaks.

It was suddenly, for no one knows why, but he, but the angel found himself flying over the skies of the earth. He knows it well, the village fool remembers it well, for he was the first to see it and the last to forget it.

The angel flies over, full of astonishment, skies he had only dreamed or imagined, until a priest, the priest of that country or what remains of a country, whose scars of war are still visible, shoots him. The priest shoots the angel. Overwhelmed and surprised by this extraordinary being and by his profound sense of guilt, the priest resolves to welcome and care for his guest; an angel, marvellous and ambiguous, who observes with the eyes of wonder that ‘life’, that all-human life. A life, however, that slowly becomes difficult, complex, thanks above all to the hostility of the town that resents the visit of the stranger, of the angel, stigmatising his deformity, his diversity. Gradually weighed down by humiliation and mockery, prevented from returning to the heavenly country and ‘caged’ in the human one, the angel will only find relief in the music of a violin, of which he is a sublime performer, and ‘asylum’ only in the eyes and love of Delia.

The text at the basis of the scenic score, draws free inspiration from Herbert George Wells' “The wonderful visit”, a visionary forerunner of genres and languages, but shifts the axis of its interest from satire against Victorian conformism and respectability, towards a more contemporary critique, which concerns above all the way in which we welcome “those who come from outside”, the foreigner. Whether you are an immigrant or an angel, it does not matter; if you are not like me, if I do not recognise you, then you are a danger.


Davide Iodice

Nikolin Ferketa, Raimonda Markja, Pjerin Vlashi, Fritz Selmani, Rita Gjeka Kacarosi, Julinda Emiri, Jozef Shiroka, Merita Smaja, Alexander Prenga, Vladimir Doda


Director: Davide Iodice
Stage designer: Divni Gushta
Costume designer: Davide Iodice
Choreographer: Davide Iodice
Composer: Lino Cannavacciuolo
Dramaturge: Fabio Pisano – Davide Iodice


Davide Iodice


Winner at the Moisiu-On Festival, organised by the National Theatre of Albania: Best performance, best music, best Set Design awards; 

Oslobodenje Press Award at the MESS International Theatre Festival, Sarajevo

Gobbi Hilda Stage
16 May 2025, 19:00
Davide Iodice

Davide Iodice

He graduated as a director at the “Silvio D’Amico” Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica in Rome under Andrea Camilleri’s supervision. Jodice was among the founders of the drama group libera mente of which he was artistic director. He co-directed the Centro di Ricerca Teatro Nuovo in Naples, from 1995 to 2000. He created and was artistic director of the Scuola Elementare del Teatro, a popular conservatoire for the scenic arts, an arts and social inclusion project. He is manager of the arts and social inclusion projects of the Teatro Trianon Viviani. He collaborated, with various assignments, with Carmelo Bene, Leo De Berardinis, Carlo Cecchi, Roberto De Simone and with dancers and performers from Pina Bausch’s Tanz Theater, Maguy Marin’s Companie and Mark Morris’s Dance Group. He worked and is working with drama in different disadvantaged locations, such as the Ospedale Psichiatrico S. Maria della Pietà in Rome, in Volterra, Giudecca and Nola correctional institutions, in Naple public dormitory and in Secondigliano OPG (high-security psychiatric hospital). His scenic and educational work was produced and hosted in Italy and France, U.K, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden as well. He created radio works for Rai Radio3 with the collaboration of Goffredo Fofi and Maurizio Braucci, the collective docufilm “Com’è bella la città”, with Roberta Torre, Pasquale Pozzessere, Giovanni Maderna; he is the main character and author of the scenic writing in “Gelsomina Verde” docufilm, directed by Massimiliano Pacifico. Iodice’s dramatic work is the subject of essays in national and international books and specialist magazines and of graduation and doctorate dissertations at various universities and art schools such as Napoli, Salerno, Milano, Bologna, Pisa, Palermo, Pavia, Cagliari, Siena. The volume “La poetica teatrale di Davide Iodice, by Marina Sorge has been recently published by Ediz. Università di Napoli L’Orientale.

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