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Valère Novarina

The Breeding Pool of Names (Le Vivier des noms)

The Breeding Pool of Names (Le Vivier des noms)

L’Union des contraires, Franc

Director: Valère Novarina

French with Hungarian subtitles

2 hours 30 minutes, without breaks.

Valère Novarina, a French-speaking author and director who was born in Switzerland, has now brought his fourteenth work to the stage, making his second excursion into the “forest of names.” In 1986, in his play Le Drame de la vie (“The Drama of Life”), he let 2,587 names run wild, with the continuous arrival of characters on stage. In Le Vivier des noms (The Breeding Pool of Names), a play consisting of 52 scenes, he uses 1,000 “verbal spirits,” referring to 1,100 characters by name, though not all of them appear on stage. Novarina situates the historian in the middle of the forest of names, and she orders the story to begin. Worntooth, the dog, knows well that he will never appear again, the anti-people are plotting something, the actor who flees others proves once again the opposite of what he’s thinking, the Minister of the Exterior declares Latin to be a living language, the parietal children come every fifteen minutes to empty a sack full of prejudices... Over the course of two and a half hours, the stage is dismantled and put back together, and then filled with rebuses. Time sighs: no one has noticed it. The actors walk on the periphery of language, between words that free and words that enslave.

Színészek/actors: Armelle Dumoulin, Manuel Le Lièvre , Christian Paccoud, Dominique Parent, Claire Sermonne,  Agnès Sourdillon, Nicolas Struve, René Turquois, Valérie Vinci
Drámamunkások: Elie Hourbeigt, Richard Pierre


Művészeti munkatárs/artistic collaboration Céline Schaeffer
Zene/music Christian Paccoud 
Látványterv/scenography Philippe Marioge
Világosító/light Marine Deballon
Jelmezek/costumes Karine Vintache
Maszk/make up Carole Anquetil
Kellékgyártás Jean-Paul Dewynter
Dramaturgia/dramaturgy Roséliane Goldstein, Adélaïde Pralon

A szerző asszisztense/assistant author Sidonie Han
Lektor/reader Isabelle Babin
Műszaki vezető/technical direcor Richard Pierre
Színpadmester/stage management Elie Hourbeigt
Ügyelő/stage mistress Julie Barnoin
Rendezőasszisztens gyakornok/assistant to the staging Pauline Clermidy
Jelmez asszisztens/assistant costume Marion Xardel
Produkció és turnészervezés/production and distribution Séverine Péan / PLATÔ


Valère Novarina

Külön köszönet / thanks to Constantin Bobas, Marion Ferry, Angela Leite Lopes,  Yosuké Morimoto, David Novarina, Pascal Omhovère et  Clara Rousseau
A mű Le Vivier des noms megjelent a P.O.L. Kiadónál 2015 júniusában est paru aux éditions / was published by Editions/ P.O.L  en juin 2015
Előadás/creation Cloître des Carmes, Festival d’Avignon du 5 au 12 juillet 2015
Megbízott produkciós iroda / Executive producer : L’Union des contraires
Koprodukciós partnerek/co-producers : Festival d’Avignon / CDN de Montluçon, Le Fracas - Támogató/  with the support of Ministère/ministery of de la Culture et de la Communication - Région Ile-de-France - Támogató/with the support of DIESE# Rhône-Alpes, Comédie de Saint-Etienne – Támogató / with the support of la SPEDIDAM - Próbafolyamat/ working residence Théâtre de Sartrouville-CDN & Colombier, Bagnolet.
Gobbi Hilda Stage
Valère Novarina

Valère Novarina

Valère Novarina was born in 1947. He studied philosophy and philology in Paris and then wrote a treatise on Antonin Artaud. He spent an entire year reading and studying Dante’s Divine Comedy. He planned to write a doctoral dissertation on Adolphe Appiá and then on Louis de Funes. Since 1986, he has been producing his works. Most of his productions have been performed as part of the Festival of Avignon. He also brings his talents as a graphic artists and painter to his work in the theater, creating original and poetic productions. His works have been translated into many of the languages of Europe and are also performed all over the continent, and also in the United States, Russia, and Latin America. In 2006, his play L’Espace furieux (“Furious Space”) was added to the repertoire of the Comédia Française, with Novarina as director. In 2011, his play Le Vrai sang (“Real Blood”), which was performed in the Odéon Theater, won the Production of the Year prize in France. In 2009, working together with the Csokonai Theater company, he presented his play L’Opérette imaginaire (“The Imaginary Operetta”), which was performed on five successive evenings in the Odéon Theater in Paris.

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