The Blind 16

National Turkish Theatre, Skopje, Macedonia
Director: Qendrim Rijani
Turkish with Hungarian and English subtitles
2 hours 25 minutes, without breaks.
In an isolated place, eleven blind individuals struggle to find their way and return. Yet, at times, they transcend their physical blindness and embark on a labyrinthine journey, retracing their own footsteps. As they do, they relive the memories of their lives. These characters invite you to experience their journey alongside them, encouraging you to ask questions and, in turn, discover answers. These questions explore the beauty of physical and identity differences among all living beings in this shared world. For this world is a place where diversity and the fleeting nature of human existence create its most profound and beautiful aspects.
Színészek / Actors: Cenap Samet, Hakan Daci, Yetkin Sezari, Suzan Akbelge, Funda Ibrahim, Nesrin Tair, Slagjana Vujosevik, Emine Halil, Zübeyde Ali, Ines Radoncik, Edin Jakupovic
Stage designer / Díszlet: Qendrim Rijani
Costume designer / Jelmez: Medina Hoxha, Maja Gjureska
Other/ Továbbá: Emrah Xhemaili, Bekir Kubur, Sevim Kerim, Tankut Ibrahim, Erdinc Rushid, Zekeriya Abdiu, Suat Rahman, Izudin Begovic, Mehmed Ismail, Senhan Zekir, Muhammed Bakiovski, Mualla Salihi, Neriman Senguler, Canan Ali Cumkar, Seyyid Emin, Bulent Hasan, Cengiz Halil
Qendrim Rijani