The adventure of love

Griboyedov Russian Drama Theatre, Tbilisi, Georgia
Director: Avtandil Varsimashvili
2 hours 30 minutes with 1 breaks.
The Griboyedov Theatre's production "The Avenues of Love" is the first performance based on Ivan Bunin’s works to be staged in Georgia. The play is inspired by the legendary "Dark Avenues" cycle and is based on the stories "Muse", "In Paris", "Rusia", "Sunstroke", "Madrid", "The Calling Cards", "The Steamer Saratov", "Dark Avenues", "Caucasus". "I consider »Dark Avenues « to be the best thing I have ever written", Bunin once stated. According to the writer, "all the stories in this book are solely about love—its 'dark' and somber, ruthless avenues." These "fatal stories", directed by Avtandil Varsimashvili, come together in a theatrical symphony, weaving multiple love stories into an intricate "lacework" of emotions, creating a strikingly sensitive and immersive atmosphere. And even when the stories are unhappy and tragic, fateful and fleeting, the audience ultimately comes to understand that love is the most powerful and beautiful experience a person can have in life.
Díszlettervező / Set design - Mirian Svelidze / Mirian Shvelidze
Jelmeztervező / Costume design - Natalia Kobakhidze / Natalia Kobakhidze
Koreográfus / Coreography - David Metreveli / David Metreveli
Színészek / Actors:
Mikhail Ardzsevanidze, Arcsil Baratasvili, Khatia Beruasvili, Natalia Voronjuk, Vasilij Gabasvili, Lasa Gurgenidze, Nina Kalatozisvili, Karina Kenyia, Nina Kikacseisvili, Mariam Kitia, Szofia Lomdzsaria, Irina Megvinetuhucetszi, Oleg Mcsedlisvili, Anna Nyikolajeva, Vlagyimir Novoszardov, Dmitrij Szporisev, Valerij Harjutcsenko, Zurab Csipasvili, Gvantsza Sarvadze. / Mikhail Arjevanidze, Archil Baratashvili, Khatia Beruashvili, Natalia Voronyuk, Vasily Gabashvili, Lasha Gurgenidze, Nina Kalatozishvili, Karina Kenia, Nina Kikacheishvili,, Mariam Kitia, Sofia Lomjaria, Irina Megvinetukhutsetsi, Oleg Mchedlishvili, Anna Nikolayeva, Vladimir Novosardov, Dmitry Sporishev, Valery Haryutchenko, Zurab Chipashvili, Gvantsa Sharvadze
Avtandil Varsimashvili