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Viktor Jevdokimov - Vera Kondratyeva



Solnste Obi-Ugor Theatre, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Russia

Director: Viktor Jevdokimov

Khanty language with Hungarian and English subtitles

1 hours 10 minutes.

Kaltash, in the mythology of the Khanty people, is the mother-goddess who gives out souls. She grants a soul to everyone who is born. By the will of Kaltash, a baby receives the soul of an ancestor. Without a soul, neither a man nor a bird can live long—they take two steps and turn to clay. Each soul has its own path to a new life, its own journey. Thus, Kaltash sits at the foot of the seven sacred birches, Kaltash-Ekva, playing with souls, passing them through her hands. And to each soul, like a mother, she sings her song. "Song to the Children of the North Sounding" is a performance dedicated to the men of the North who went to the front during the Great Patriotic War. It is a song that resonates through time, a song for the souls that remained in foreign lands. Let them hear their native melodies, walk the long road of memory, and finally return home to be reborn in their descendants.

Kaltas-Anki istennő, Asszony, bábok / Kaltash Anky goddess, women, puppets - / Tatyjana Fominih / Tatiana Fominykh
Háború, A férfi árnyéka / War, Shadow of the Man - Oleg Tarlin

Az előadás ötletének szerzője / Author of the concept of the performance: Vera Kondratyeva
Rendező / Directed by - Viktor Jevdokimov / Viktor Evdokimov
Forgatókönyv / Script - Viktor Jevdokimov / Viktor Evdokimov
Díszlettervező / Set design - Masa Szablina / Masha Sablina
Zeneszerző / Composer - Vagyim Lomatcsenko / Vadim Lomatchenko
Videó / Video - Daniela Bersanszkaja / Daniela Bershanskaya
Világításterv / Light design - Alekszandr Katyilo / Alexandr Katilo

Az előadásban Vera Kondratyeva dalai hallhatók / The performance features songs by Vera Kondratyeva.

Gobbi Hilda Stage
26 April 2025, 16:00
Viktor Jevdokimov

Viktor Jevdokimov

Viktor Evdokimov graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Art at the Puppet Theater Department as a puppet actor. Since 2006 he was a member of the youth experimental theater ProVoda, later renamed into the theater “Morph”. Since 2009 cooperated with the theater “The fifth wheel” (Rust, Germany). Since 2012, together with his wife he organized the Flying Theatre in the city of Surgut. Currently he is the chief director of the Theater of Obi-Ugor Peoples “Solntse”.

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