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Co-production between the German State Theatre Timișoara and Jewish State Theatre, Bucharest

Director: Clemens Bechtel

Yiddish, German and Romanian with Hungarian and English subtitles

1 hours 50 minutes, without breaks.

On November 26, 1938, two hand grenades exploded in the performance hall of the theatre of Timișoara during a performance by the Jewish-Bucovina singer Sidy Thal and her ensemble. This anti-Semitic attack, carried out by the Iron Guard—a far-right nationalist group resulted in the deaths of four people and left seventy others injured. Despite its historical significance, this event remains little known in Timișoara, the European Capital of Culture 2023. Playwright Thomas Perle and director Clemens Bechtel, with the support of Maria Mădălina Irimia from the "Wilhelm Filderman" Center for the Study of Jewish History in Romania, researched the attack and created a documentary play based on their findings. What is true? What really happened? This production seeks to reconstruct the attack and explore the moment when anti-Semitism and fascism infiltrated everyday life in a multicultural society—ultimately leading to the horrors of World War II and the Shoah.  SIDY THAL marks the first collaboration between the German State Theatre Timișoara and the Jewish State Theatre Bucharest. A multilingual work in Yiddish, German, and Romanian, the project is part of the national cultural program Timișoara – European Capital of Culture 2023.

Színészek / Actors:


Sidy Thal, C. Codreanu: Viorica Predica / Enikő Blénessy

F. Ghedeon: Katia Pascariu / Silvia Török

Usher, a hang: Daniela Török

Zelma: Olga Török

Elisabeth: Oana Vidoni

A hang: Boris Gaza

I. Popa: Mircea Dragoman / Rareș Hontzu

P. Fleschin: Mihai Prejban / Richard Hladik



Továbbá a Motl, a kántor fia együttes Sólem Áléchem Motl, a gyerek c. műve alapján, valamint az audioséta hangjai: Enikő Blénessy, Viorica Predica, Maia Morgenstern, Silvia Török,

Katia Pascariu, Daniela Török, Olga Török, Oana Vidoni, Radu Brănici, Rareș

Hontzu, Mircea Dragoman, Richard Hladik, Mihai Prejban, Isolde Cobeț

Hangszerkíséret: Serena Voaideș, Cosmin Hărșian

Rendező: Clemens Bechtel

Díszlettervező: Șteff Chelaru, Ioana Groza

Jelmeztervező: Șteff Chelaru, Ioana Groza

Zeneszerző: Dan Simion

Dramaturg: Thomas Perle, Clemens Bechtel

Videoterv és audioséta-felvételek: Alex Halka



A projektet az Over Border Culture+ program finanszírozza, amelyet a Temes megyei Kulturális és Művészeti Központ valósít meg állami költségvetésből, a Kulturális Minisztérium költségvetéséből biztosított forrásokból. A projekt további szervezője Románia Kormányának Interetnikai Kapcsolatok Osztálya.


Clemens Bechtel

Gobbi Hilda Stage
27 April 2025, 19:00
Clemens Bechtel

Clemens Bechtel

On November 26, 1938, two hand grenades exploded in the performance hall of the theatre of Timișoara during a performance by the Jewish-Bucovina singer Sidy Thal and her ensemble. This anti-Semitic attack, carried out by the Iron Guard—a far-right nationalist group resulted in the deaths of four people and left seventy others injured. Despite its historical significance, this event remains little known in Timișoara, the European Capital of Culture 2023. Playwright Thomas Perle and director Clemens Bechtel, with the support of Maria Mădălina Irimia from the "Wilhelm Filderman" Center for the Study of Jewish History in Romania, researched the attack and created a documentary play based on their findings. What is true? What really happened? This production seeks to reconstruct the attack and explore the moment when anti-Semitism and fascism infiltrated everyday life in a multicultural society—ultimately leading to the ho rors of World War II and the Shoah. SIDY THAL marks the first collaboration between the German State Theatre Timișoara and the Jewish State Theatre Bucharest. A multilingual work in Yiddish, German, and Romanian, the project is part of the national cultural program Timișoara – European Capital of Culture 2023.

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