Romeo and Juliet 12

Co-production between National Theatre of Košice, Košice, Slovakia and National Theatre, Budapest, Hungary
Director: Attila Vidnyánszky
Slovak and Hungarian with Hungarian and English subtitles
3 hours 40 minutes with 1 breaks.
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, is one of the cornerstones of our theatrical and dramatic history, continuously inspiring theatre makers for centuries to approach it from ever-new perspectives and to stage interpretations that engage in dialogue with our present.
The unique collaborative project between the National Theatre of Košice and the National Theatre of Budapest presents a contemporary approach, directed by the renowned Hungarian director Vidnyánszky Attila. This production provides an opportunity to once again explore the present-day contradictions between duty and emotion, obedience and freedom. The distinctiveness of this joint endeavour lies not only in its artistic vision but also in its bilingual Slovak-Hungarian staging. The primary aim of the performance is to reach audiences of all generations, building a bridge between past and present, tradition and modernity.
Romeo: Herczegh Péter
Juliet: Janka Balková
Father Laurence: Stanislav Pitoňák
Juliet`s nurse: Adriana Krúpová
Capulet: Peter Cibula
Capulet`s wife: Henrieta Kecerová
Montague: Rubold Ödön
Mercutio: Berettyán Nándor
Benvolio: Pallag Márton
Paris: Bordás Roland
Escalus, prince of Verona: Schnell Ádám
Peter, servant of Julia`s nurse: Rácz József
Tybalt: Martin Stolár
Samson, servant of Capulet: Peter Čižmár
Ballet dancers:
Anne Marie Greve Myhrvold, Kristína Zemanová, Sofia Arriaga Heald, Vlada Shevchenko, Emiliia Berezina, Kei Hirozane, Sayuri Koike, Klaudia Skopintsev, Dalibor Fabian, Marcel Barnabás Medvecz, Mykhailo Denysenko, Oleksandr Tishchenko, Viktor Mikulišin, Denys Yevdokymov, Volodymyr Feshchenko, Oleksandr Chepelenko
Directed by: Vidnyánszky Attila
Translated by: Mészöly Dezső
Set design based on the ideas of Cziegler Balázs: Tóth Kázmér
Costumes: Berzsenyi Krisztina
Director`s assistant: Kernács Péter
Coreography: Dalibor Fábián
Stage manager: Hedviga Cifráková
Suffleur: Iveta Vinclavová
Attila Vidnyánszky