Based on J.W. von Goethe’s tragic play

Radu Stanca National Theatre, Sibiu (Szeben), Romania
Director: Silviu Purcărete
Performed in Romanian, with Hungarian and English subtitles
2 hours, without breaks.
Faust is one of the greatest myths of Western-European cultural history. The hero of Goethe’s drama is the archetype of modern man. Silviu Purcărete’s interpretation of the story is extremely topical; from the point of view of Faust, a man questioning grand cultural myths, Purcărete recreates mankind’s heroic and grotesque adventures in search of the ultimate truth as a journey full of contradictions and doubt. The extraordinariness of the production of Faust by the Radu Stanca National Theatre lies in the complexity of the direction: Purcărete guides us to the borderline between earth and hell, offering a visceral experience in which we witness space multiplied with the help of projections, fireworks, live rock music, and a profound original score. The production follows the main motives of Goethe’s work: Faust’s pact with the devil, his love for Gretchen, the ball in hell, Walpurgis Night, and Faust’s glorification. Faust has been playing for eight years in Sibiu, and it has been invited to a number of international festivals, first to the Goethe Festival in Frankfurt. In 2009, actress Ofelia Popii received the prestigious Herald Angel Award at the Edinburgh Festival for the role of Mephistopheles. “I would sell my soul if I could see this production of Faust once again, wrote rewiever Euam Ferguson in The Observer in 2009.

Faust: Ilie Gheorghe
Mephisto: Ofelia Popii
Margaret: Tania Anastasof, Astrid Hermann, Iunis Minculete, Aneea Opriș, Ana Maria Telebuş, Petra Telebuș, Eveline Buta
Additional roles:
Johanna Adam, Veronica Arizancu, Geraldina Basarab, Emöke Boldizsár, Anca Cipariu, Diana Fufezan, Raluca Iani, Dana Maria Lăzărescu, Mariana Mihu, Fatma Mohamed, Serenela Mureșan, Gabriela Neagu, Renate Muller Nica, Iulia Popa, Veronica Popescu, Cristina Ragos, Cristina Stoleriu, Dana Taloş, Arina Ioana Trif, Codruţa Vasiu, Ema Veţean, Mihai Coman, Florin Coşuleţ, Ali Deac, Dan Glasu, Alexandru Malaicu, Adrian Matioc, Adrian Neacşu, Cătălin Neghină, Ioan Paraschiv, Eduard Pătraşcu, Cătălin Pătru, Viorel Raţă, Vlad Robaş, Bogdan Sărătean, Ciprian Scurtea, Cristian Stanca, Marius Turdeanu, Pali Vecsei, Liviu Vlad
Participating artists from Lucian Blaga University:
Dana Anghel, Cristina Blaga, Denisa Pintiuță-Caian, Ioana Cosma, Teodora Domnariu, Alexandra Gavrilov, Lorelei Ghazawi, Cristina Gogîrlă, Andrada Grosu, Raluca Ivan, Mădălina Ivașcu, Denisa Lupu, Oana Marin, Ștefania Marola, Daiana Mădăraș, Alexandra Mihalache, Andreea Ioana Moșoiu, Florentina Neagu, Alisia Nină, Anca Pitaru, Fabiola Petri, Maria Soilică, Alexandra Șerban, Doriana Tăut, Maria Tomoiagă, Vlad Bacalu, Anton Balint, Marian Bureață, Radu Carp, George Ciucă, Andrei Gîlcescu, Tudor Răileanu, Calin Mihail Roajda, Claudian Șiman, Ștefan Tunsoiu, Iustinian Turcu, Bogdan Tălmaciu, Alin Gabriel Turcu, Alexandru Udrea, Laurenţiu Vlad, Petre Vladimir
Electric Band:
Dorin Pitariu (guitar), Călin Filip (bass), Lucian Fabro (drum), Ciprian Oancea (keyboard instruments);
Dog trainer: Silviu Stan
Singing master: Gheorghe Stoica
Dramatize: Silviu Purcărete
Stage and light designer: Helmut Stürmer
Costume design: Lia Manţoc
Composer: Vasile Şirli
Scorings: Doru Apreotesei
Video: Andu Dumitrescu
The set designer's assistant: Daniel Răduţă
Silviu Purcărete