Archives 2023

The Tragedy of Man on Hungarian stages for 140 years

Selection from the photo archive of the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute (OSZMI)
Imre Madách: The Tragedy of Man, cover of the 11th edition, 1895 
Imre Madách: The Tragedy of Man, Scene I: In Heaven,
premiere at the National Theatre in Budapest, September 21, 1883, d. by Ede Paulay
(photo by Strelisky, source: OSZMI)
Mari Jászai, the first great tragic actress of the National Theatre as Eve
in the premiere of The Tragedy of Man in 1883
(photo: Strelisky, source: OSZMI)
Scene I: In Heaven, People’s Theatre – Comic Opera, Budapest, 1908, d. by Sándor Hevesi 
(photo by József Kossak, source: OSZMI)
Scene II: In Paradise, Eve played by Anna Tőkés, Adam played by Árpád Lehotay, National Theatre, Budapest, 1937, d. by Antal Németh
(photo by Pál Vajda M., source: OSZMI)
Scene II. Expulsion from Paradise, People’s Theatre – Comic Opera, Budapest, 1908, d. by Sándor Hevesi 
(photo by József Kossak, source: OSZMI)
Scene III: Outside Paradise, National Theatre, Budapest, 2002, d. by János Szikora 
(photo: Tamás Katkó, source: National Theatre)
Scene IV: In Egypt. National Theatre, Budapest, 1937, d. by Antal Németh 
(photo: Sándor Bojár, source: OSZMI)
Scene V: Athens, People’s Theatre – Comic Opera, Budapest, 1908, d. by Sándor Hevesi 
(photo: József Kossak, source: OSZMI)
Scene VI: Rome, People’s Theatre – Comic Opera, Budapest, 1908, d. by Sándor Hevesi 
(photo: József Kossak, source: OSZMI)
Scene VII: Constantinople, People’s Theatre – Comic Opera, Budapest, 1908, d. by Sándor Hevesi 
(photo: József Kossak, source: OSZMI)
Scene VIII: Prague, People’s Theatre – Comic Opera, Budapest, 1908, d. by Sándor Hevesi 
(photo: József Kossak, source: OSZMI)
Scene IX: Paris, with Anna Tőkés as a peasant woman, National Theatre, Budapest, 1937, 
d. by Antal Németh (photo of unknown origin, source: OSZMI)
Scene IX: Paris, Danton: István Bubik, National Theatre, Budapest, 1983, d. by László Vámos 
(photo: István Csaba Tóth, source: MTI)
Scene XI: London, Eve: Éva Szörényi, Adam: Ferenc Bessenyei, Lucifer: László Ungvári, National Theatre, Budapest, 1955, d. by Endre Gellért, Tamás Major, Endre Marton
(photo: Tamás Farkas, source: MTI)
Scene XII: Phalanstery, Adam: József Szarvas, Lucifer: Róbert Alföldi, National Theatre, Budapest, 2002, d. by János Szikora
(photo: Tamás Katkó, source: National Theatre)
Scene XII: Phalanstery, Adam: Sándor Berettyán, National Theatre, Budapest, 2018, d. by Attila Vidnyánszky
(photo: Zsolt Eöri Szabó, source:
Scene XIII: Space (an aerial view of the opening scene) National Theatre, Budapest, 2018, d. by Attila Vidnyánszky
(photo: Zsolt Eöri Szabó, source:
Scene XIV: Eskimo, People’s Theatre – Comic Opera, Budapest, 1908, d. by Sándor Hevesi 
(photo: József Kossák, source: OSZMI)
Scene XV: Outside Paradise, Szigligeti Theatre, Szolnok, 1980, d. by István Paál 
(photo: Béla Ilovszky, suorce: MTI)
Scene XV: Outside Paradise, Eve: Éva Szörényi, Adam: Ferenc Bessenyei, Lucifer: László Ungvári,
National Theatre, Budapest, 1955, d. by Endre Gellért, Tamás Major, Endre Marton
(photo: Tamás Farkas, source: MTI)


(01 May 2023)

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