Archives 2023

20 April - 25 June 2023, Redoubt Gallery


Exhibition of the Hungarian Society of Stage, Set and Costume Designers (MALÁT) / Opening: 20 April 2023, 4:30 pm

Exhibition Halls on 5th and 6th Floors.

The first STAGESPACE exhibition was organised in 2010 featuring a selection of productions from the previous two years, recognising that though productions could not be created and the "magic" would not happen without the designers' work, the designers' names and creations remain mostly unknown to the general public. The annual summing-up exhibitions held since 2010 have done and continue to do a lot for the visibility and recognition of the profession. The organisers of the exhibition within the framework of the Theatre Olympics have launched an open call to the entire profession: the designers themselves choose their favourite productions from the last 15 years. The exhibition space will not only feature tableaux, but also original designs, set elements, models, furniture, puppets and costumes, providing a representative overview of the Hungarian scene. It's a unique opportunity and a real immersive behind-the-scenes experience for the general public to see these works "up close" in broad daylight instead of in the spotlight, to admire the craft of illusion-making instead of the illusion. Theatre is a complex art form, with many artists working together to stage a production. The exhibition presents this creative process.



Exhibiting designers:

BALLA Ildikó * BERZSENYI Krisztina * BOGNÁR Eszter * BIRTA GÁBOR * BOZÓKI Mara * BUJDOSÓ Nóra * DÉVÉNYI Rita * ERKEL László Kentaur * FÜZÉR Anni * HERMANN Anett * HOFFER Károly * HORESNYI Balázs * HORVÁTH Jenny * HORVÁTH Kata * IGNJATOVIC Krisztina * JEREMIÁS Bianca Imelda * KHELL Csörsz * KHELL Zsolt * KISS Borka * MICHAC Gábor * MOLNÁR Zsuzsa * NÉMETH Anikó * OROSZ Klaudia * PAJOR Patrícia * PALYA Gábor * PAPP Janó * RÁKAY Tamás * RÁTKAI Erzsébet * RÓZSA István * SZÉKELY László * SZENDRÉNYI Éva * SZLÁVIK István * TORDAI Hajnal * TÓTH Kázmér * VARJAS Zsófi * VARSÁNYI Anna * VERECKEI Rita * VIRÁG Vivien * ZEKE Edit


Curator: BALLA Ildikó
Kiállítási projektmenedzser/ Exhibition project manager: BORONYÁK Vivien
​Kiállítás-rendező/ Exhibition installer: MAYER Róbert, BODOR Béla, KMETZ Imre, DOBREFF György

Special thanks to: Budapest Bábszínház, Budapest Operettszínház, Centrál Színház - Budapest, COOPERA Művészeti Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft., Csiky Gergely Színház - Kaposvár, Kolibri Gyermek és Ifjúsági Színház - Budapest, Magyar Állami Operaház - Budapest, Magyar Kanizsai Udvari Kamaraszínház Nonprofit Kft., Nemzeti Színház - Budapest, Pécsi Nemzeti Színház, Radnóti Színház, Szegedi Kortárs Balett, Vörösmarty Színház - Székesfehérvár

Opening: 20 April 2023, 4:30 pm


(27 March 2023)

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