Archives 2022

MITEM 2022 - Professional Programme

It is whereof one cannot speak that one must say. Round table discussion

28 April 2022, Thursday, 5 p.m. - Attila Kaszás Stage

With simultaneous Hungarian and English translation



The title of this roundtable is a famous quote by Valère Novarina which, according to the French author, turns Wittgenstein's piece of wisdom "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof must one be silent" into a more optimistic statement.

Valère Novarina, Jean Bellorini

Novarina's theatre can be admired or rejected, but it cannot be treated tepidly, as it does not leave us untouched. His is a theatre of mystery, wherein the actors are sacrificial priests turning the everyday human speech we use routinely into a burning sacrifice on Novarina’s stage. They do so not with pious seriousness, but with poignant humour. Jean Bellorini's staging reveals in all its glory the cruel lyricism and lyrical cruelty (in the Artaudian sense) of a contemporary author considered a classic in his own country. And combined with Monteverdi's opera, it brings the music in Novarina’s language to life in a new acoustic form.

The young generation will be represented at the meeting by Nándor Berettyán, author and director of abstract comedy The Prompter "à la Novarina".

Roundtable participants: Valère Novarina, Jean Bellorini, Zsófia Rideg, Nándor Berettyán

Moderator: Enikő Sepsi

28 April 2022, Thursday, 5 p.m. -  Attila Kaszás Stage

(07 April 2022)

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