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Béla Bartók, Maurice Ravel

The celebratory closing event of the 10th Theatre Olympics

The Miraculous Mandarin, Bolero, Midsummer Night's Eve

The celebratory closing event of the 10th Theatre Olympics

InterEurópa Ballet, Europaballett St.Pölten, Teatro Potlach, Aesop Studio, Quiet Ensemble, Budapest Circus, Hungarian Dance University, Budapest Puppet Theatre, Liszt Academy

Director: András Pataki, Michael Kropf

Dance performances of the legendary compositions of Béla Bartók's A CSODÁLATOS MANDARIN and Maurice Ravel's BOLERO were created in a unique national co-production of the Petőfi Színház and the Forrás Színház in Sopron, performed by the InterEUropa Ballet with foreign star dancers, as a special experience, In an unprecedented formation, the world-famous Kossuth Prize-winning pianist Gergely Bogányi, winner of the Virtuosos, the prince of the piano Misi Boros,  Károly Binder, Erkel Ferenc Prize-winning, internationally renowned jazz pianist and composer, and Gábor Varga, the outstanding pianist of Hungarian jazz, will perform the pieces in concert on the Hungarian-developed Bogányi pianos. 

The events will be followed by a special Midsummer Night's Eve celebration under the trees of Margaret Island, around the open-air stage. Audiences will be immersed in the magical world of Midsummer Night to discover the mystery of the forest. The rays of light reveal the beauty of nature and the trees, enveloping their bodies in the mist that envelops them. Figures of different arts populate the magical night. Teatro Potlach's performance is the closing ceremony of the Theatre Olympics and is a collaboration between Aesop Studio and Quiet Ensemble (Italy), The Capital Circus of Budapest, the Hungarian Dance University, the Budapest Puppet Theatre and the Liszt Academy of Music.

In cooperation with:

  • Színházi Olimpia Nonprofit Kft.
  • InterEurópa Balett
  • Europabalett St.Pölten
  • Margitszigeti Színház Nonprofit Kft.

Bartók Béla: The Miraculous Mandarin 


Michail Sosnovschi

Iryna Tsymbal

Demcsák Ottó

Valerio Testoni

Florient Cador

Ruslan Soengoshev

Füsi Zsolt


Maurice Ravel: Bolero


Nichika Shibata

Claudia Sachetti

Rachel Carrier

Paksi Fruzsina

Szalai Réka

Florient Cador

Valerio Testoni

Ruslan Soengoshev

Zsolt Füsi



Gergely Bogányi

Misi Boros

Károly Binder

Gábor Varga


Stage designer: 
Kázmér Tóth
Costume designer: 
Friderike Singer
Michael Kropf
Béla Bartók, Maurice Ravel
Lightning design: 
János Madarász
Choreographer of the dance works

Michael Kropf


András Pataki

Margaret Island Theatre, Budapest
András Pataki

András Pataki

Jászai Mari Award-winning Hungarian director, dramaturg, cultural manager, set and costume designer, theatre director, former Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation.

Michael Kropf

Michael Kropf

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