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Aurora Lubos

Performing Poland – Welcome 16

Performing Poland – Welcome

The Grotowski Institute

Director: Aurora Lubos

45 minutes, without breaks.

I am interested in human being who is safe but unwilling to accept others who are fleeing war, conflict, oppression, death and hunger. I’m interested in the situation of conflict, danger and suffering. And what that fed, happy, Western European man would feel in such a place and what he would feel towards people whose daily reality is struggle for life.
So many people: infants, children, young men and women, couples, families, elderly and disabled people, representing every stage of life and every type of man that you can meet in your neighborhood.” [Part of text, volunteer, the refugee camp in Dobova, Slovenia]

Direction, choreography, stage design and performance: 
Aurora Lubos


Aurora Lubos

Artus Contemporary Art Studio, Budapest
Aurora Lubos

Aurora Lubos

AURORA LUBOS has been associated with dance scene since 1997, cooperating, among others, with the Gdańsk Dance Theater, the Baltic Sea Cultural Center in Gdańsk, the Baltic University of Dance, the Dada von Bzdülöw Theater, the Elevator Club at the Gdańsk Archipelago of Culture, the Żak Club in Gdańsk, and the Specialist Support Center for Of Victims of Domestic Violence in Rusocin. Since 2000, the actress of the English theater Vincent Dance Theater. The author of several original realizations: solo (“Zanzibar”, “Unfinished”, “Knife, Horse and Stairs”, “Akty”, “Not allowed”, “Hello/ Welcome”, “Ziemia”), installations (“Still Alive”, “Food Cycle”, “Without Home”), performances (“Akt1”, “4 Kąty”, “Act for Two – Shrovetide”, “From Water”), short animations (“Winter 2010” series), visual-verbal broadcasts (“Antoni Kępiński during the plague”, “Gertrude Finkler – Artist in the field and in the yard”, “Artist in the street”), a performance installation (“Go, dance with your grandfather”) and video (“Ziemia 1”, “Ziemia 2”). “Akty” was shown as part of the Polish Dance Platform 2014 and in many places in Poland and abroad. In 2019, together with Honorata Martin, Oskar Martin, AnnaDomańska and Emilia Orzechowska, she founded the Arbuz Association – an audiovisual mobile studio that works for refugees.

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