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Based on translation by Miloš Đurić


Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Belgrade, Serbia (YDT)

Director: Vito Taufer

Performed in Serbian with Hungarian and English subtitles

1 hours 35 minutes, without breaks.

(Excerpt of conversation between dramaturg, director and YDT artistic director)

Gorčin: And why is Oedipus in a tavern instead of some fancy restaurant?

Vesna: A tavern is more intimate. 

Vito: More democratic. 

Gorčin: A mixing zone...

Vesna: A mixing zone.

Vito: There we are all equal. Just as Oedipus is first among equals, that is how I understand how he rules which he, of course, rejects once he is wandering through fog seeking truth. And resorts to violence. Renounces basic principles, rationality.  

Gorčin: The rational side of him wins out eventually?

Vito: Yes, yes. That’s it. 

Directed by Vito Taufer

Adaptation by Vesna Radovanović and Marko Manojlović

Dramaturgy - Vesna Radovanović

Set Design - Lazar Bodroža

Costume Design - Marija Marković Milojev

Music composed by Robert Pešut – Magnifico and Aleksander Pešut – Schatz!

Speech Coach - Ljiljana Mrkić Popović 

Lighting Design - Siniša Čupić








Choryphaeus: MILOŠ SAMOLOV 


Messenger from Corinth: ZORAN CVIJANOVIĆ 

Court Messenger: JOAKIM TASIĆ


Deacon: Milan Bobić (final year student at the Academy of Arts in Belgrade)

Bodyguard: Luka Antonijević, Luka Sević, Veljko Stevanović (final year students at the Academy of Arts in Belgrade)


Darko Golić (contrabass), Luka Lopičić (accordion)


Organiser - Vladimir Perišić

Stage Manager - Daša Velimirović

Prompt - Maja Stojimirović

Costume Design Assistant - Nikša Tomanović

Lighting Technician - Dragan Arsenić

Sound Operator - Nikola Mijušković


Vito Taufer

Main Stage
Vito Taufer

Vito Taufer

Graduated in theatre direction from the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana. In-house director with the Mladinsko Theatre in Slovenia since 1989.  Worked with a number of theatres in former Yugoslavia and directed over one hundred productions and several operas. Directed feature film Lajf. This is his first YDT production.

Selected theatre productions: N. Williams Class Enemy (MTS, 1982), I Am Not Me (MTS, 1983), L. Carroll Alice in Wonderland (MTS, 1986), W. Shakespeare Hamlet (NT Subotica, 1986), A. P. Chekhov Three Sisters (Drama SNT Maribor, 1987), N. V. Gogol The Government Inspector (NT Ivan Zajc, Rijeka, 1988), W. Shakespeare King Lear (NT Ivan Zajc, Rijeka, 1989), D. Zajc Medea (Drama Theatre Skopje, 1989), Veno Taufer Odysseus & Son or World and Home (MTS, 1990 and ZYT, 1991), M. Krleža Kraljevo (NT Ivan Zajc, Rijeka, 1991), Molière/Rozman Tartuffe ( MTS, 1993), V. Taufer SilenceSilenceSilence (MTS, 1996), S. Beckett Endgame (SNT Nova Gorica, 1999), Rozman/Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (MTS, 1999), H. Pinter The Birthday Party (Prešeren Theatre Kranj, 2002), S. Beckett Waiting for Godot (SNT Nova Gorica, 2003), Sophocles Oedipus Rex (The Koper Theatre, 2005 and Prešeren Theatre Kranj, 2005), I. Mlakar Duohtar Pod Mus! (The Koper Theatre, 2007 and SNT Nova Gorica, 2007), A. P. Chekhov Platonov (SNT Ljubljana, 2010), M. Krleža Messrs. Glembay (CNT Zagreb, 2011), I. Cankar Depravity in St. Florian Valley (MTS, 2011), L. S. Taufer Zangtumbtuuum (SNT Ljubljana, 2012), A. Camus Caligula (SNT Ljubljana, 2013), A. P. Chekhov The Cherry Orchard (CNT Zagreb, 2013), E. Albee Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (The Koper Theatre, 2014), Molière Tartuffe (SNT Nova Gorica, 2015), C. Goldoni, P. Lucić The Chioggia Scuffles (SNT Nova Gorica, Slovenian Permanent Theatre Trieste, The Koper Theatre, 2017), I. Vyrypaev The Drunks (Gavella Theatre, 2018), A. Rozman Baal (MTS, 2019), I. Mlakar Tutošomato (SNT Nova Gorica, The Koper Theatre, 2019).

Festival awards: Borštnikovo Srečanje festival in Maribor, Golden Lion at Umag, The Week of Slovenian Drama, Days of Comedy in Celje, BITEF in Belgrade, Sterijino Pozorje festival in Novi Sad, MESS Sarajevo, Days of Satire in Zagreb, Marulićevi Dani festival in Spl

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