Tunesian National Theatre, Tunis, Tunesia
Director: Fadhel Jaïbi
Performed in Arabic with Hungarian and English subtitles.
1 hours 50 minutes, without breaks.
It is an appalling fact that the Tunisian revolution, instead of raising hope, resulted in suppressed fears, anxieties and depression, as well as generating innumerable acts of violence in everyday life, resulting in horrible crimes. Why would thousands of young Tunisians throw themselves to the sea, seeking to reach the “free world”? Why have there been so many suicides, deaths by fire and hangings since the very first day of the revolution, and why are these numbers still climbing? Why is there so much robbery, rape and murder? It seems that it comes down to kill or be killed. Isn’t there, beyond the obvious cultural, social, political and psychiatric explanations a deeper secret, an inscrutable black hole behind all these acts? Where does all the action come from? Does it stem from some obscure pattern from the mythological and archaic depths? Are perhaps today’s Cains and Abels some persistent reincarnations from the dawn of time?
“Man must restrain himself!” Albert Camus would should at this point. Yes, but how exactly?
Maybe by restraining the animal within? So where is the cultured, intelligent, tolerant appreciative human being gone... where is it now?
A journey to the depth of the human soul. After Homer, Aiskylos, Sopholces, Euripides, Shakespeare, Dante, Büchner, Brecht, Genet, Bond, Pasolini and so many others, is there something “new”, something unreal, surreal, tragicomic in our horrible present?
Crimes, both small and major.
Jalila Baccar, Fatma Ben Saïdane, Noomen Hamda, Lobna M'lika, Aymen Mejri, Nesrine Mouelhi, Ahmed Taha Hamrouni, Mouïn Moumni
Libretto, dramaturgist: Jalila Baccar
Set and light design: Fadhel Jaibi
Assistant set designer and composer: Kays Rostom
Assistant director: Marwa Mannaï
Costum design: Salah Barka
Light: Ali Helali, Nawress Arfaoui
Sound: Slim Askri
Stage manager: Neji Khadhraoui
Production associate: Adnene Labidi
Production manager: Faten Jaouadi
Seniorproduction manager: Oussama Jameï
Fadhel Jaïbi