War and peace 12

Istanbul City Theatre, Istanbul, Republic of Türkiye
Director: Aleksandar Popovski
In Turkish with Hungarian and English subtitles
3 hours 25 minutes with 1 breaks.
The year is 1805. Fashionable society lady Anna Pavlovna Scherer hosts a large gathering of fashionable members of the St Petersburg aristocracy: among them are members of the family Rostov – Ilya Rostov, his wife Natalya, children Nikolai and Natasha and niece Sonya; Vasili Kuragin and his children Helene and Anatol; young Andrei Bolkonski, who has been recently married, and others. The main topic of the evening is the upcoming war – French Emperor Napoleon is about to enter Russia, which is going to change the country for years to come. The other point of interest is the impending death and legacy of the fabulously wealthy Count Bezukhov, who eventually leaves his vast fortune to his illegitimate son Pierre. As Napoleon enters Russia, the lives of the characters are changed for ever: Andrei wishes to distinguish himself as a soldier, Pierre is swamped with marriage proposals and eventually marries Helene Kuragina, whom he does not love. When Andrei Bolkonski, now a widower, returns from battle wounded, he falls desperately in love with young Natasha Rostova. They become engaged, but Andrei's sister Marya and father Nikolai Bolkonski force them to delay the marriage by over a year due to their disapproval. In the meantime, Nikolai Rostov and Sonya try to rekindle their childish romance; Helene is bored with her husband and takes on lovers, while Pierre is trying to find the meaning of life in the country, wrecked by death, horrors of the war and the general disillusionment with life.
Anna Pavlovna Scherer: Ayşegül İŞSEVER
Count Ilya Rostov: Murat BAVLİ
Countess Natalya Rostova: Defne GÜRMEN YÜKSEL
Nicolai: Ersin BAĞCIOĞLU
Natasha: İpek UĞUZ
Sonya :Yağmur TOPÇU
Prince Vasili Kuragin: Levent ÜZÜMCÜ
Helene: Dilara DEMİRDÜZEN
Anatole: Taha KARAKAŞ
Nicolai Bolkonski: Can BAŞAK
Andrei: İlker Sami KILIÇ
Marya: Berfin BERBER
Bezukhov: Mutlu GÜNEY
Pierre: Nevzat Sinan TAŞTAN
Fyodor Dolokhov : Ogeday ERKUT
Napoléon Bonaparte: Mesut ÇIRAK
General Kutuzov, Tzar Aleksander: Doğan ALTINEL
Heidi: Melisa DEMİRHAN
Soldiers and Servants: Deran ÖZGEN, Salih ŞİMŞEK, Sefa TURAN, Osman KABA
Stage designer: Sven JONKE, Vanja MAGIĆ
Costume designer: Canan GÖKNİL
Composer: Kiril DJAIKOVSKI
Dramaturge: Başak ERZİ
Stage adaptation: Eva MAHKOVIC
Translated by Asli ÖNAL
Light Design: Osman AKTAN
Effect Design: Erhan AŞAR
Assistant Director: Juš Andraz ZIDAR
Assistant Directors: Cem BAZA, Çimen BATURALP, Yunus Erman ÇAĞLAR, Deran ÖZGEN
Aleksandar Popovski