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Agata Duda-Gracz

Between Lena's legs, or "death of the virgin" 18

After Michelangelo da Caravaggio

Between Lena's legs, or "death of the virgin"

Klaipèda Drama Theatre, Klaipèda, Lithuania

Director: Agata Duda-Grac

Performed in Lithuanian with English and Hungarian surtitles

2 hours 20 minutes, without breaks.

The play refers to the biography and creations of the Baroque period Italian painter Caravaggio. It discusses the relationship between sin and holiness which, contrary to how it may seem, is by no means unambiguous. Caravaggio’s paintings on religious topics are acclaimed as being genius, they evoke faith. Although Carravagio himself, having earned fame among his peers not only for his paintings but shocking violence as well, was wasting his life, not neglecting to commit any conceivable sin. He was into shadows more than into light – both in his paintings and his life. A big sinner and a saint at the same time, to whom painting was the only true existence – his shelter for the soul. Is such an untraditional asceticism possible? Open brutality and divine beauty – how does that coexist? What secret connections bind the utmost evil and the supreme good?

Casts and creatives


Liudas Vyšniauskas, Cezary Studniak / Darius Meškauskas, Maciej Maciejewski / Mikalojus Urbonas, Bartosz Roch Nowicki /Artūras Lepiochinas, Jonas Viršilas, Justina Vanžodytė, Kamilė Andriuškaitė, Eglė Jackaitė, Alina Mikitavičiūtė, Regina Šaltenytė, Samanta Pinaitytė, Sigutė Gaudušytė, Renata Idzelytė, Simona Šakinytė, Toma Gailiutė, Rimantas Pelakauskas, Donatas Švirėnas, Vaidas Jočys, Karolis Maiskis, Linas Lukošius

Museum warehouse staff: Rytis Veverskis, Darius Matevičius, Jokūbas Batavičius, Romualdas Matulionis, Linas Bagdonas, Antanas Razgauskis, Zigmas Tarlovas, Konstiantyn Vasylevskyi


Playwright, director, scenographer, and costume designer: Agata Duda-Gracz
Lighting designer: Katarzyna Łuszczyk
Choreographer: Tomasz Wesołowski
Composer: Łukasz Wójcik
Director’s assistant: Marius Pažereckas


Agata Duda-Grac

Main Stage
Agata Duda-Grac

Agata Duda-Grac

(1974, Katowice, Poland) Director and scenographer Agata Duda-Gracz is one of the most important contemporary theatre directors in Poland. She also writes the texts for her plays and creates splendid, surprisingly picturesque scenography and costumes. According to theatre critic Tadeusz Nyczek, “sometimes it seems as though she is not even directing, but rather simply painting canvas – contrary to most of the contemporary directors – about where we are, what we are, where we come from and what awaits us.”

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