El cantar de cantares
In the translation in eight rhyme of Fray Luis de León on photographic images by José ortiz Echagüe

Produced by Museum University of Navarre – Pamplona, Spain
Director: Ignacio García
Performed in Spanish with Hungarian subtitles.
1 hours, without breaks.
“El cantar de cantares” is born from the merge of two poetic universes completely different to one another but are in some way tangentials. A poetic and erotic breeze of the mystical poetry of Fray Luis de León, in his Cantar de Cantares, and in the other hand, the mystical, aesthetic and spiritual world in the photographs of José ortiz Echagüe.
The implementation of projections and actors, possesses an infinite game of mirrors and parallel realities, superimposed in various dimensions: actors who speak with images from other times, inert beings who leave the gaps of their absence in the photographs when they leave, photos that speak between each other, living beings with other living beings interacting with one another... all this accompanied with quiet and mystical music, with a sound backed up with verses and notes that lift the spectator into a spiritual flight...” says the director Ignacio García, a leading figure in contemporary Spanish theatre and director of the Almagro International Classical Theatre Festival.
Ignacio García has been invited by the performing arts direction of Museum University of Navarre to participate in its creative residencies program, wich is hosted by the Museum from its opening in 2015.
Within this collaborative program, artists are invited to the Museum to seek inspiration in its architectural space, its collections and exhibitions, other projects happening at that certain moment or in some artistic idea shared by invited artists and the Museum team. Also they are invited to get involved with the university community, students and researchers. All of this inspiration is collected and transformed to develop a new artistic work.
Színészek/ Actors
Feleség / Wife: Ana Cris
Férj / Husband: Julián Ortega
Barátnő / Friend: Rita Barber
Szöveg / Text: Fray Luis de León
Képek / Images: José Ortiz Echagüe
Zenei válogatás és adaptáció / Musical selection & Adaptation: Ignacio García, Rita Barber
Világítás / Lighting: Navarrai Egyetem Színházi Múzeumának technikai csapata
Audiovizuális eszközök / Audiovisual: Alejandro Contreras, David Bernués
Rendezőasszisztensek / Assistant Directors: Ana Cris, Julián Ortega
Ignacio García