A Doll’s House 14

Hungarian Theatre of Cluj – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Director: Botond Nagy
Performed in Hungarian with English subtitles.
1 hours 30 minutes, without breaks.
Being in a coma is being in a vulnerable state. It’s inertia. It’s marking time. The opposite of freedom. Human beings are prone to imprisoning themselves in lies, imaginary realities, old traumas, repetitive abuses. They tend to yield to coma-like states and powerlessly hope for miracles. But for how long can we hold ourselves captive? For how long can we embellish our solitary confinement with lies? And what happens if we wake up from this state of unconsciousness? If we realize that the miracle we are waiting for is just a gaping black hole that dissolves in holograms and ultimately leaves us to fend for ourselves?
Nóra realizes that the doll house she inhabits is getting increasingly narrower. That behind the embellished walls lie the recurring catatonic nightmares which she must fight if she wants to become a human being. If she wants to be free. With freedom comes sacrifice.
Awakening is a painful process, a swirling hypnosis. A tarantella. A fight, where cruelty finds you without accoutrements. Agamemnon sacrifices Iphigenia in order to win the war. And Nóra sacrifices her present in order to win her own wars. Nowadays, women spend several years in prison because they stand up for their rights. Nóra has done her time and can now leave her dollhouse.
Színészek /Actors:
Torvald Helmer: BODOLAI BALÁZS
Nóra / Nora: PETHŐ ANIKÓ
Lindéné / Mrs. Linde: ALBERT CSILLA
Díszlettervező / Stage designer: CARMENCITA BROJBOIU, ANDRÁS RANCZ
Jelmeztervező / Costume designer: CARMENCITA BROJBOIU
Koreográfus / Choreographer: KINGA ÖTVÖS
Zene és hangterv / Composer – music and sound design: BENCE KÓNYA-ÜTŐ
Dramaturg / Dramaturge: ÁGNES KALI
Szövegadaptáció / Text adaptation: BOTOND NAGY, ÁGNES KALI
Látványtervező / Visual design: ANDRÁS RANCZ
Digitális grafika / Digital graphics: SZIDÓNIA SZEDERJESI
Fényterv / Light design: ROMEO GROZA
Rendezőasszisztens / Director’s assistant: EMŐKE VERES
Botond Nagy