THE CHRONIC LIFE (Det kroniske liv) 12

Odin Teatret, Holstebro, Danmark
Director: Eugenio Barba
1 hours 10 minutes, without breaks.
The Trilogy of the Innocent
The Innocence of War and of Its Victimsga
Trilogy - Third landscape: the future (2031)
Here people eat without being hungry and drink without being thirsty
The Chronic Life takes place in various European countries in 2031, after the Third Civil War. Groups and individuals converge, challenging each other over their diverging dreams, disappointments and hopes. A boy from Latin America arrives, seeking his father, who has inexplicably disappeared. “Stop searching for your father” people tell him while escorting him from door to door.
The boy is not saved by knowledge or innocence. Rather, a newfound ignorance leads him to his door. All this takes place to the bewilderment of all of us, who no longer believe the unbelievable: that a single victim’s life is beyond value, is worth more than God.
Kai Bredholt, Roberta Carreri, Jan Ferslev, Elena Floris, Donald Kitt, Tage Larsen, Sofía Monsalve, Fausto Pro, Iben Nagel Rasmussen, Julia Varley
Assistant directors: Raúl Iaiza, Pierangelo Pompa, Ana Woolf
Stage design: Odin Teatret; Jan de Neergaard, Antonella Diana
Costume: Odin Teatret; Jan de Neergaard
Dramaturges: Eugenio Barba, Thomas Bredsdorff
Literary advisor: Nando Taviani
Eugenio Barba