Arnold Szyfman Polski Theatre, Warsaw, Poland
Director: Andrzej Seweryn
Performed in Polish, with Hungarian and English subtitles
2 hours, without breaks.
Andrzej Seweryn is a world-renowned Polish theatre and film actor, a full member of Comédie Francaise, and the artistic director of Teatr Polski in Warsaw. His production of Shakespeare forever! initiates a dialogue with the audience about Shakespeare and the world. In the roles of Henry V., Hamlet, Falstaff, Richard III., Ariel, Lady Macbeth, and Juliet, Seweryn presents the beauty and wisdom of Shakespeare’ poetry. Seweryn moulds well-known soliloquys into an exciting story about literature, culture and humankind, victorious, doubtful, and defensive. He also alludes to major Shakespearean themes: obsessions with power, sensual lunacy, timeless love, and woeful solitude, jealousy and betrayal, doubts about the meaning of life and the invigorating power of hope. The performance is addressed to people who know Shakespeare well and people who are just beginning to acquaint themselves with his works. The former can listen to the famous monologues in translations by Piotr Kamiński delivered masterfully by Seweryn. The latter will be encouraged to continue learning about the theatrical world of the genius from Stratford.
Actor: Andrzej Seweryn
Translator: Piotr Kamiński
Scenario: Piotr Kamiński, Jerzy Klesyk, Andrzej Seweryn
Assistant director: Przemysław Pawlicki
Andrzej Seweryn