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Tiziana Barbiero



Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy

Director: Tiziana Barbiero

Performed in Italian and English

1 hours, without breaks.

The Dance of Death (danse macabre) is an allegorical genre originating in the late Middle Ages; its distinctive stylistic features are found in poetry, the visual arts, music, and the art of the theatre art as well. It looks back on a long and distinguished history in the area around Bergamo. The theatrical company of the town does not reconstruct the genre, but rather revitalizes it by composing a contemporary danse macabre: a 20th-century symphony of sounds and voices. When the “light” traveller arrives, the dance of curtains begins, revealing a topsy-turvy world full of joking skeletons and dancing angels. The world that unfolds before us is comic, but also threatening and sensual. The traveller dances and enters the four rooms of the building: the garden of the dead, the corridor of angels, the halls of the ceremonial dinner and of the last dance. One always changes upon returning from another world. Perhaps we see the comings and goings of the world best from the grave. The title of the show comes from a colour nuance: Hexadecimal 9F000F is a tone of red, also called “angelic,” like the dark raspberry colour of the curtains. Rosso Angelico is a hybrid performance of theatre and dance, combining words and music, Asian traditions and western traditions, live music and recorded music, quotes from texts by the poet Rilke and texts by the great Italian comedian Totò.


Tiziana Barbiero

Gobbi Hilda Stage
Tiziana Barbiero

Tiziana Barbiero

Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo

The Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo – Accademia delle Forme Sceniche was founded in 1973 in Bergamo Alta by Renzo Vescovi, who was drawing on the Teatr Laboratorium of Jerzy Grotowsky and Eugenio Barba’s Odin Teatret as his models. The primary “research” areas of the theatre laboratory, which is housed in an old Carmelite monastery, include the dramaturgy of the actor, street theatre, and the dance theatre of the East. One of the distinct aspects of the laboratory is that the participants work as a “group theatre.” Artists belonging to different nationalities and different generations, and also representing different branches of the arts, work together to create the individual projects. Over the course of the past forty some years, the Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo has brought more than 150 performances to the stage. They also devote considerable time and energies to organizing conferences, workshops, and community events.

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