Csokonai Nemzeti Színház, Debrecen
Director: Pralon Adélaïde, Valère Novarina
in Hungarian
1 hours 30 minutes, without breaks.
At the age of five, Valère Novarina was mesmerized by the performances of Louis de Funès on the stage. Since then, he has never stopped observing actors, their « incomprehensible » movements from the wings to the stage, their resurrections. Louis de Funès thus became some sort of prophet, a theatrical Zarathoustra who pronounces mysterious truths about the art of the actor. From the encounter between Valère Novarina and Tibor Meszaros, brilliant actor of the « Imaginary operetta » came the idea to stage « Thus Spoke Louis De Funès » : another breathtaking monologue on what’s at play between the actor and the spectator.
Színész/Actor: Mészáros Tibor
„Drámamunkás”/Accessoriste: Horváth Sándor
Rendezőasszisztensek/Assistants director: Miklós Eszter Gerda, Jóvér Csaba
Zene/Music: Christian Paccoud
Fordítás/Translation: Rideg Zsófia
Valère Novarina