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National Theatre, Budapest, Hungary

Director: Özgömec Volkan

2 hours 20 minutes, without breaks.

Where to? is a humanitarian drama that highlights one of today’s most pressing issues that we choose to ignore: illegal migration. Hundreds of thousands of refugees die around the world - they are the homeless, who are looking for refuge in foreign countries, because they do not have the basic rights necessary to live in their home countries. The play relates the story of a group of refugees with an uncertain fate who are travelling towards a better life in a truck-trailer. Will they find a safe haven? If the world is not the privilege of the few, how can we explain the ruthless attitudes of many countries, or the mutual consensus on which these attitudes seem to be based, the attitudes that prevail in countries form which people are forced to flee and the prevailing attitudes in states that do not want to receive these hundreds of thousands of people who have become outlaws? By creating this play, the makers of “Where to?” want to awaken people from indifference.

Huseyin Alp Tahmaz
Hová? Merre?
rendező: Volkan Özgömeç
Török Állami Színházak/Ankara Állami Színház, Törökország
2 óra 20 perc egy szünettel- török nyelven magyar felirattal

Huseyin Alp Tahmaz
 Directed by: Volkan Özgömeç
 Turkish State Theaters, Ankara State Theater
2h 20’ with intermission

Language: Turkish with Hungarian subtitles

Díszletterv/Set design: Murat GÜLMEZ; Jelmezterv/Costume design: Özlem KARABAY; Fényterv/Light design: Zeynel IŞIK; Hangszerelés/Music layout: Can ATİLLA;

Bülent ÇİFTÇİ, Şevki ÇEPA, Cebrail ESEN, Sedat KEÇECİ, Esma ÇANKAYA, Acan Ağır AKSOY, Özlem DEDE, Celal Murat USANMAZ, M.Çağatay KESER, Önder YILDIZ, Sedat ANAR.

Gobbi Hilda Stage
Özgömec Volkan

Özgömec Volkan

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Russia, Iraq, Serbia, Hungary, Moldova, Lithuania, France, Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Norway, Latvia, Turkey,