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ALICE – körfutás két felvonásban 18

ALICE – körfutás két felvonásban


Director: Andrey Moguchy


2 hours 30 minutes with 1 breaks.

Andrey Moguchy is said to be a master of grand and distinctive visions, someone who tends not to produce traditional theatre, but rather brings literary works that have inspired him to the stage in a way that even changes the laws of space and time. This is also the case with ALICE, the latest performance of the Bolshoi Drama Theatre (BDT) under his direction. This time, Lewis Carroll’s work is not addressed to children, but leads the audience into labyrinths and peculiar parts of the soul – while we remain aware all along that everything we see is theatre. The audience follows the events first from the seats and then from the stage, itself becoming a part of all that is conjured around it by a company of excellent actors. Spiced with expressive music, one of this performance’s captivating features is that we can see the legendary actress Alisa Freyndlikh, who is known to the Hungarian public through Tarkovsky’s famous movie “Stalker”.

Suitable for audiences 18 years of age and older!

Színészek/Actors: Alice Frejndlich, Alisa Komareckaya, Vasilisa Komareckaya, Polina Timoshilova, Valery Ivchenko, Leonid Mozgovoy, Anatoly Petrov, Irute Vengalite, Evgeny Chudakov, Gennady Bogachev, Andrey Sharkov, Georgy Shtil, Sergey Losev, Nina Alexandrova, Varvara Pavlova, Ekaterina Starateleva, Richard Bondarev, Sergey Galich, Evgeny Slavsky


Adaptáció/Text by : Andrey Moguchy, Sergey Nosov, Svetlana Shchagova • Díszletterv/Stage design: Marina Tregubova • Zeneszerző/Composer: Nastasya Khrushchova • Jelmezterv/Costume design: Evgenia Panfilova • Fénytervező/Lighting design: Narek Tumanjan • Video design: Konstantin Shchepanovsky • Karmesterek/Conducters– Richard Bondarev, Sergey Galich, Evgeny Slavsky • Zenészek/Musicians: Nastasya Khrushchova, Valadimir Rozanov, Alexandra Korobkina, Elena Raskova, Vera Ionova

Main Stage
Andrey Moguchy

Andrey Moguchy

Andrey Moguchy (born 1961) is a theatre director and teacher. In 1990, he founded the independent theatre company Formal Theatre. The company’s productions have been featured at several international festivals.

Since 1990, Moguchy has staged productions in many of the leading theatres in Russia and across Europe, including the Alexandrinsky Theatre and the Baltic House Theatre Festival in St. Petersburg, the Finnish Theatre Academy, the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, the Teatr Dramatyczny w Warsawie and the Theatre of Nations in Moscow. In addition, Moguchy has staged operas and a dance gala.
Moguchy is a winner of the Golden Soffit — St. Petersburg’s highest theatrical award (2000, 2004, 2010, 2014) and the Europe Prize of New Theatrical Realities, sponsored by the European Commission (2011). He has also received the International K. Stanislavski Theatrical Award (2010). For “A School for Fools”, based on a novel by Sasha Sokolov, Andrey Moguchy in 2001 won the Edinburgh Fringe First and the BITEF (Belgrade International Theatre Festival) grand-prix. 

Moguchy is a multiple winner of the Golden Mask Russian national theatre prize: in the nomination "Best Drama Director" (2011, 2016, 2017), in the nomination "Best Performance" (2012), the Prize of critics (2001, 2008, 2006).
From 2004 to 2013, Moguchy was a stage director at the Alexandrinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg. Since 2013, he has been the Artistic Director of the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theatre also in St. Petersburg.

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