Alexandrinskij Theatre, St. Petersburg, Russia
Director: Attila Vidnyánszky
Performed in Russian, with simultaneous interpretation in Hungarian
5 hours 30 minutes with 1 breaks.
One of the most important and oldest theatres in Russia, Alexandrinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, presents a monumental, overwhelming performance based on Dostoyevsky’s world-famous novel. With its multiple story lines and polyphonic sound, the play addresses the fundamental questions of existence, providing a contemporary interpretation of the great Russian writer’s novel, which focuses on the loss of faith and the possibility of redemption for the human soul. According to the director, Attila Vidnyánszky, the performance “enquires into the basic problems of European civilization, primarily the question of the freedom of conscience and faith. A large part of the world has become atheist, but that has not made anyone much happier. Dostoyevsky’s brilliant, prophetic novel is probably more topical today than ever before.” The company, made up of leading actors of the established Russian theatre, has created a contemporary mystery-play in which the music, the spectacle, and the script create an expressive unity, thereby representing the completeness and diversity of the original work, but also rethinking the role of several key characters. The production was the opening act of the 10th International Theatre Festival Alexandrinsky and one the most outstanding productions in the Russian theatrical world in 2016-2017.
Rogyion Raszkolnyikov: Alekszandr Polamisev
Pulherija Alekszandrovna: Marija Kuznyecova
Dunya: Vaszilisza Alekszejeva
Porfirij Petrovics: Vitalij Kovalenko
Szvidrigajlov: Dmitrij Liszenkov
Szonya Marmeladova: Anna Blinova
Szemjon Marmeladov: Szergej Parsin
Katyerina Ivanovna: Viktorija Vorobjova
Razumihin: Viktor Suraljov
Luzsin: Valentyin Zaharov
Lebezjatnyikov: Ivan Jefremov
Aljona Ivanovna: Jelena Nemzer
Lizaveta: Jelena Zimina
Amalia Ljudvigovna: Julija Szokolova
Mikolka: Nyikolaj Belin
Kátya: Margarita Abroszkina
Stage and costume design: Marija Tregubova, Alekszej Tregubov
Attila Vidnyánszky